Join us for a special recital featuring talented young pianists performing on the world-renowned Steinway & Sons Spirio piano. In this program, Bach to Disney highlights the wide range of music our students can explore—from classical to contemporary—while showcasing the capabilities of the Spirio.
The Spirio is an extraordinary instrument, offering performers the opportunity to not only play but also explore an extensive library of music, bringing their performances to life with remarkable depth and richness. This recital provides a rare chance for our students to connect with music in a new way, expanding their creativity, expression, and collaboration.
As part of this event, Dr. Yoojung Kim, Music Director, will give an insightful talk on how technology can inspire and support young musicians in their musical development.
Performance Opportunity
To participate, please email with the following information:
Eligibility: Open to students of all grades
Instrument: Piano (solo or four-hands)
Repertoire: Free choice (all genres welcome)
Video Requirements: Maximum length: 5 minutes (shorter pieces are welcome); memorization is encouraged but not mandatory.
Admission/Application: Free
Submission Deadline: February 14, 2025. Early submissions are highly encouraged, as spots are limited.
Video Submission:
Submit your video as either:
A file attachment (if size permits), or
A shareable link on YouTube or another video platform (unlisted or public).
Please note that all submissions will be reviewed, and selected performers will be notified.
For any inquiries about Steinway & Sons’ pianos, including the Spirio, please contact Regina Davidoff at
Special thanks to our invaluable collaborators:
Regina Davidoff, Steinway & Sons representative; Annie Jiseon K. Chu, Founder of TrebleString; and Ani Chong, Visual Designer.